Lindsay Hoke

Lindsay Hoke

Certified Health Coach

Throughout my journey, I’ve continually been drawn into the healthcare field. Starting my professional career in the billing office of a busy Physical Therapy company, I connected with patients’ stories firsthand. Seeking a more hands-on role, I ventured into part-time work as an EMT, driven by the desire to assist my community. From there, I took the steps to enter into a more traditional office position and grew into a senior leadership role for several years, leading some amazing teams.

Even as I shifted careers, my thirst for knowledge about health and wellness never subsided. I constantly sought ways to improve my family’s lifestyle, gradually adopting habits that led to significant changes. We started making changes in the food we ate, increasing our physical activity, began prioritizing sleep, learning more ways to manage our stress levels and began cutting out as many chemicals and toxins as possible from our daily lives. It’s been an incredible journey! I’ve witnessed the transformative power of these small shifts on our well-being.

Yet, amidst these positive changes, I’ve also witnessed the devastating impact of serious health issues on loved ones. Their struggles motivated me to delve deeper into health data, research, and preventative measures. Could their issues have been prevented, or at least lessened, if they had put a greater emphasis on eating better, incorporating more activity, and other habits to improve their overall health?

This blend of personal experiences and professional drive led me to take the steps to become a Certified Health Coach. I’m fueled by my passion to support others who are ready to take steps towards their health and wellness goals, drawing from both personal experience and a wealth of knowledge gained along the way from a variety of reputable sources.


Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition

In my interactions, I’ve discovered many people are eager to make healthier choices but feel overwhelmed about where to start. And understandably so! We are bombarded with conflicting information, intense marketing tactics, and confusing data.

As a Certified Health Coach, I’m here to support anyone, particularly those juggling work and personal life demands, who are seeking to incorporate more healthy habits into their routine.

After my experience climbing the proverbial ‘corporate ladder,’ I have firsthand experience with the immense pressure individuals face in balancing professional performance with personal well-being, both for themselves and their families.

My goal is to be a resource to support others as they work to identify small, healthy changes – so they too can experience the overall health benefits that come with those and enjoy all that life has to offer us!

“Those 3 sessions gave us so much information to improve what we are doing with our health. My husband has started to read labels and we are so much more aware of what we are buying and eating. We are amazed at the ingredients in some of the food we used to eat. We are slowly applying your information and feel like we are doing so much more for our health.”

~ Donna (Our Body’s Fountain of Youth Attendee)

“Practical, achievable steps to wellness that you won’t find on Google.”

~S.L. (Armor Up! Attendee)

“Thank you again for all the information in those 3 sessions! Very informative! Thanks to you we are now paying attention to the ingredients and nutrition labels. Unbelievable how informative and eye opening this can be! Thanks for your support, patience, and follow through. It will be a journey that is certainly enhanced by your dedication and guidance.”

~Ralph (Our Body’s Fountain of Youth Attendee)

“I love her little encouraging or reminding messages throughout the week. They really nudge me in the right direction.”

~Cheryl (On her experience with Individual Coaching Sessions)