Health Coaching

health coaching

As a Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, I provide a wide range of services to help individuals, groups and organizations achieve their wellness goals. My services include a variety of customizable group workshops, individual consultations, and wellness presentations that are appropriate for businesses, schools, community groups, teachers, parent groups, churches, individuals and more!

Specializing in Health Coaching for:


  • Prevent disease and unhealthy aging
  • Boost energy levels and reduce stress
  • Sleep better and think sharper
  • Reduce pain and inflammation and increase vitality
  • Discover a personalized weight control plan that actually works!
  • Become fit, strong and flexible
  • Enjoy lower medical expenses

Science-Based Solutions

science-based solutions

You will receive credible, fact-based information, skills, and materials based on proven science.

Health Coaching Services


Individual Consultations

Discover ways to achieve your health goals through personal, intimate consultations where we will evaluate your current lifestyle, identify your needs, and develop a plan unique to you. Individual coaching will also provide you access to unique tools and resources to support your journey. We will discuss potential small habit changes in nutrition, physical activity, sleep habits, and more in order to empower you to move forward towards your health and wellness goals.


Group Coaching

These premium health and wellness presentations always include take-away resources as well as practical tips and advice. The educational information provided is all backed by science and is meant to increase overall awareness about how we can all create healthier lifestyles in this modern society that we live in. Perfect for a group of individuals, community events, health fairs, business luncheons, and more! Contact me for a list of relevant programs I am currently offering!


Workplace Wellness

Looking to provide an additional perk for your employees? Offering a wellness presentation to your team or providing them with a series of Individual Health Coaching sessions can be a great way to care for your number one customer – your internal team! A workforce experiencing improved health can improve performance and efficiencies at work, demonstrate improved engagement levels, and result in fewer days missed from work due to illness and injury. And according to researchers at Brigham Young University, for every dollar spent on employee wellness programs, employers can receive three to four dollars in healthcare savings. Let’s talk about what wellness program would best fit your needs!